2 Sleeps and they are off!!

None of the guys are cyclists therefore it is amazing to see all the guys training so hard to make this epic (LEJOG) cycle a success.  They are  training at all hours around both work and family commitments and it is certainly humbling to see just how much time and effort they are putting in to training for this amazing cycle.  Mark McNeil himself in his own words said that he expects to be in excruciating pain however it is nothing compared to the pain his daughter Chloe suffered.  So when it hurts he will dig deep and remember how brave she was and just keep going to complete this mammoth journey.

Only 2 days till these guys start there epic journey from one end of the UK to the other that’s after a wee 12 hour drive tomorrow night before they start on Thursday morning at Lands End.

We’d be greatful if you would LIKE and SHARE these post to help get these guys as much support as possible on their journey and keep watching for the daily updates starting from Thursday 29th June at around 8am when they set off from Lands End.

Again many thanks for everyone’s support and donations to date, they are very much appreciated and all going to a fantastic cause.

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