Team have arrived safe and well.

First update of the Chloes Chemoo Cows Charity Cycle all the guys have had no sleep last night with just leaving their day time jobs at 5 pm yesterday and travelling down to Lands End through the night for the start of this epic journey.

So the journey has begun.  Tonight the guys will arrive in Lanlivet in Cornwall and are staying at St Benet’s Abbey for the night.  The owners of this B&B even kindly offered spare bike parts if needed.  Its great to know that people are being so supportive and kind. I’m sure the guys will be so grateful for their beds tonight!

First pictures of the team at Lands End ready to set off.

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Weather this morning  in Lands End is wet and windy…we can only hope the wind is behind them!!

Make sure you go RIGHT and not left guys!!



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